Our blog’s mission is simple — to give a visible platform for women and non-binary people from the Open+ spaces to express their thoughts, ideas and critique. These are the Heroine’s perspectives.

Speak Freely, Speak Safely: Committing to Feminist Online Civic Space

Feminist Open Government Post-pandemic - Stagnation or Hope?

Post-Pride: Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees Year-Round

Let’s Talk Money!

Perspectiva de Género y Derecho de Acceso a la Información en México: Explorando las Experiencias de las Mujeres Desde las Solicitudes de Acceso a la Información

The Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in India

How did “open” fare this year?

Call for Consultancy — Web Designer

Feminist Perspectives on Care Economy: A Brief on Open Heroines’ Workshop at América Abierta

Why Every Data Person Should Attend Abrelatam / ConDatos

Creando Datos Abiertos Enmarcados en Feminismos

Call For Expression of Interest: Open Data & Gender Lab

Femi(ni)cidios en Uruguay: Hallazgos y Reflexiones a Partir Del Uso de Datos Oficiales y Producidos Por la Sociedad Civil

Will Open Public Transport Data Benefit Citizens?

Hablar de Feminicidios Desde la Empatía y la Interseccionalidad

100 Years of Goat Yoyo and The Fight Against Misinformation in Brazil

The Human Rights Case for Open Science

Open Gender Monologues — Toxic Work Environments Part 2

Open Gender Monologues — Toxic Work Environments Part 1

A Panel of One’s Own

The Open Heroines Guide for the Guy Who Got Stuck on a Manel
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